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Français : Fossiles
· 日本語: 化石
· Português: fósseis
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· ไทย: ซากดึกดำบรรพ์, ฟอสซิล
· Українська: Зкам'янілості
· 中文(简体):化石
· 中文(繁體):化石
· ⇒: Fossils
preserved remains or traces of organisms from a past geological age | |||||
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This category has the following 42 subcategories, out of 42 total.
- Quality images of fossils (318 F)
- Valued images of fossils (113 F)
- Acta Eruditorum - Fossils (16 F)
- Bergacarpon viladricii (3 F)
- Deirosteus fossils (2 F)
- Dendrites in fossils (15 F)
- Dracosaurus fossils (1 F)
- Eukeraspis fossils (8 F)
- Hemicladodus fossils (1 F)
- Incertae sedis (fossils) (122 F)
- Neoproterozoic fossils (1 F)
- Sabalites longirhachis (9 F)
Pages in category "Fossils"
The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.
Media in category "Fossils"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 658 total.
(previous page) (next page)-
(Mollusca) Cephalopoda Major Fossil Groups.jpg 2,736 × 1,824; 1.11 MB
150 crore years old Fossils of Blue green algae, in Salkhan (Sonebhadra, UP).jpg 4,160 × 3,120; 3.3 MB
20 Thousand Year Old Seed Clusters (b48eb07d-c1b7-4c32-bc9f-3bf4689e1881).JPG 4,592 × 3,448; 6.86 MB
20230616 1Chuluujisan dun Fossil Spiral Snail Ancient Petrified Shell.jpg 4,032 × 2,268; 2.41 MB
20230616 3 Chuluujisan dun Fossil Spiral Snail Ancient Petrified Shell.jpg 4,032 × 2,268; 2.24 MB
700x-fishscale-8032019-2-topillum-sc-ng.jpg 12,800 × 9,598; 77.18 MB
A Piece of Fossilized Nautilus.jpg 1,728 × 3,072; 1.87 MB
Acritarchs and other fossils.jpg 642 × 1,024; 220 KB
Alatochelon myrteum shell fossil.png 354 × 246; 126 KB
Alectryonia.jpg 755 × 1,134; 454 KB
America's priceless heritage - cultural and fossil resources on public lands, Utah. (IA americaspriceles00unit 6).pdf 1,635 × 2,156, 20 pages; 13.09 MB
America's priceless heritage - cultural and fossil resources on public lands, Oregon-Washington. (IA americaspriceles00unit 8).pdf 1,650 × 2,162, 20 pages; 10.44 MB
Ammonite fossils (4715545497).jpg 3,872 × 2,592; 2.52 MB
Ammonitefossil.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 145 KB
AMNH 2994 Buettneria sp skeleton.jpg 4,592 × 3,448; 7.63 MB
Amphicticeps skull.jpg 1,061 × 1,619; 411 KB
Amphicynodon jaw.jpg 1,080 × 1,137; 192 KB
Annotated Figure of OU 22162.jpg 1,500 × 2,128; 701 KB
PIN2783-158 Petropone petiolata.jpg 1,077 × 808; 1.09 MB
Araeoanasillus leptosomus fossil.jpg 558 × 273; 40 KB
Ardynictis front of skull.jpg 1,080 × 1,131; 191 KB
Ardynictis lower jaw.jpg 980 × 638; 137 KB
Ardynictis teeth.jpg 1,080 × 667; 156 KB
Ardynictis upper jaw.jpg 962 × 1,220; 256 KB
Ardynomys chihi.jpg 1,029 × 556; 110 KB
Ardynomys jaws.jpg 1,080 × 1,459; 395 KB
Asiavorator jaw and teeth.jpg 1,080 × 864; 170 KB
Assessment of fossil management on Federal and Indian lands (IA assessmentoffoss27unit).pdf 1,235 × 1,625, 56 pages; 13.27 MB
At Biddulph Grange 2022 019.jpg 6,960 × 4,640; 18.71 MB
Atrypa spinosa.jpg 3,022 × 2,820; 1.04 MB
Aves Corredoras.jpg 3,456 × 4,608; 3.01 MB
Backside-of-Kinneyia-like-fossil-6181.jpg 3,456 × 1,944; 3.82 MB
Bailey's Fossil Infusoria 1820.jpg 2,229 × 2,529; 707 KB
Bayeria.jpg 1,442 × 1,803; 1.44 MB
Biostratigraphic index fossils 01.svg 842 × 595; 2.76 MB
Biostratigraphic index fossils 02.jpg 6,217 × 7,684; 3.47 MB
Bisonia niemii (HC200).jpg 3,118 × 3,600; 648 KB
Black and White Footprints (b0d6859c-17a5-4254-8901-cc116f9893e4).JPG 4,592 × 3,448; 5.84 MB
Brachiopoda Fossil Groups I.jpg 2,736 × 1,824; 1.05 MB
Brachiopoda Fossil Groups II.jpg 2,736 × 1,824; 1.03 MB
Brachyspirifer audaculus.jpg 3,275 × 2,475; 1,015 KB
Bromacker 02.jpg 4,830 × 2,576; 3.43 MB
Bryozoa Fossil Groups.jpg 2,736 × 1,824; 1.32 MB
Bulletins of American paleontology (IA bulletinsofameri301pale).pdf 814 × 1,327, 232 pages; 11.34 MB
Bunaelurus parvulus.jpg 949 × 1,057; 135 KB
Bunaelurus ulysses.jpg 997 × 518; 98 KB
C Hoyt Stromat XPL wholeslide.jpg 2,794 × 4,724; 6.12 MB
Cambro-silurian fossils from Västergötland, Sweden.jpg 1,024 × 1,024; 513 KB
Carcharodon hastalis tooth.jpg 4,448 × 3,336; 1.45 MB
Carcharodon hubbelli dentition.jpg 720 × 482; 213 KB
Cava Brusada - Roccia fossilifera.jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 12.97 MB
Centro paneles maquetas.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1.04 MB
Cf. Averrhoites affinis.jpg 3,600 × 4,023; 1.02 MB
Chaetognathifera jaws comparison Timorebestia 2024.jpg 6,459 × 2,645; 851 KB
Chambered Fossils.jpg 5,500 × 4,250; 1.68 MB
Cissites puilosokensis (HC180).jpg 2,967 × 3,600; 669 KB
Cleaning fossils (25472839792).jpg 3,072 × 2,048; 2.66 MB
Coast watch (1979) (20472077170).jpg 2,458 × 1,544; 1.27 MB
Coleção fóssil fragmentada em gaveta.jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 6.32 MB
Conferencias paleomuseo Toropí Bella Vista Corrientes Argentina (1).jpg 1,296 × 728; 72 KB
Conferencias paleomuseo Toropí Bella Vista Corrientes Argentina (3).jpg 1,296 × 728; 55 KB
Contributions to Canadian palæontology (1885) (20160102754).jpg 1,802 × 2,980; 1.43 MB
Cretodus crassidens.png 2,103 × 2,435; 2.14 MB
Crinoid Fossils (51330975183).jpg 4,825 × 3,016; 8.99 MB
Crinoid fossils the Jurassic.jpg 1,192 × 1,188; 325 KB
Crushed crinoid stems from the Jurassic, Iran.jpg 2,582 × 2,362; 938 KB
Cynodictis elegans.jpg 1,080 × 595; 105 KB
Cyrtospirifer disjunctus.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 1.86 MB
David Bustos Brushes Away Sediment in a Trench (1eada75b-9b7c-4ba6-8411-2c829d8f46a0).jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 4.03 MB
Deinotherium thraceiensis - SUMPHG.jpg 4,160 × 3,120; 2.1 MB
Den Helder - Mariëndal - Aardwetenschappelijk leerpad.jpg 2,736 × 3,648; 4 MB
Deposit of Ice Age Seeds (cc45f5df-30e3-4f4c-a8a3-97807a42a366).jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 4.19 MB
Derbyia crassa.jpg 3,024 × 2,787; 1,011 KB
Descriptions of Some New Species of Devonian Fossils Plate 1.jpg 597 × 862; 52 KB
Diabloceratops eatoni by Nick Longrich.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 4.23 MB
Didymoconus berkeyi.jpg 1,073 × 761; 141 KB
DidymoconusColgateiDentition.jpg 1,080 × 848; 121 KB
Die stämme der wirbeltiere (1919) (20326888353).jpg 1,450 × 3,074; 1.28 MB
Die stämme der wirbeltiere (1919) (20948026335).jpg 1,212 × 2,978; 1,013 KB
Die tertiären und quartären Versteinerungen Chiles (1887) (20948545165).jpg 2,394 × 2,874; 1.15 MB
Dinosaur hunting in western Canada (1966) (20333753644).jpg 2,958 × 1,517; 1.25 MB
Dinosauriereier in Senckenberg-Sammlungen Dresden.jpg 4,110 × 2,596; 2.01 MB
Diprotodon Optatum at Eulo - sign.jpg 3,840 × 2,160; 3.32 MB
Discovering the Toddler Prints (1a6cfef9-2ebe-444f-85ed-acce74cea6f7).jpg 2,666 × 3,053; 1.85 MB
Ditaxocladus catenulata (HC137).jpg 2,433 × 3,147; 271 KB
Documenting the Tracks from a Different View (8c889a0d-3cce-45dd-a05a-2f37c6e1ad67).JPG 4,389 × 2,784; 3.2 MB
Dryophyllum subfalcatum (HC49).jpg 1,678 × 3,600; 354 KB
Duckomenta 1 (40032027242).jpg 2,592 × 1,944; 1.12 MB
Echinodermata (Pelmatozoa).jpg 2,736 × 1,824; 1.04 MB
Echniodermata (Eleutherozoa).jpg 2,736 × 1,824; 1.15 MB
Elatides longifolia (HC165).jpg 2,297 × 2,443; 560 KB
Elephas maximus partial bone from Cipeundeuy.png 3,872 × 2,592; 11.47 MB
Elmer Riggs and man with cordilleron pelvis (3567382317).jpg 1,024 × 696; 206 KB
EncopeAb.png 1,479 × 1,007; 4.07 MB
Enhydriodon Omoensis Femur Views.png 850 × 517; 131 KB
Erlingfolia montana (HC57).jpg 2,421 × 3,600; 786 KB
Esconites zelus (fossil worm).jpg 2,025 × 2,127; 2.71 MB
Estampa-Gangamopteris-Buriadica-Hoelzel.png 251 × 651; 357 KB
Estonian Museum of Natural History Specimen No 204331 photo (g323 g323-86 1 jpg).jpg 2,572 × 2,476; 2.57 MB
Estonian Museum of Natural History Specimen No 204332 photo (g323 g323-87 1 jpg).jpg 1,986 × 2,392; 1.53 MB
Excavating and Labeling the Prints (5d21ef88-93c1-4a3d-bbfd-b3ff778603cb).JPG 4,573 × 2,983; 2.46 MB
Excavating for fossils (24964993233).jpg 1,619 × 1,707; 1.85 MB
Exuvia.png 380 × 507; 135 KB
Fardenia subplana.jpg 2,905 × 2,709; 971 KB
Flore des grès oligocènes de Spechbach-le-Bas Planche I d'après Nicolas Théobald.jpg 3,252 × 2,443; 1.46 MB
Flore des grès oligocènes de Spechbach-le-Bas Planche II, d'après Nicolas Théobald.jpg 3,271 × 2,472; 1.19 MB
Flowers, Hatira Gulch, Negev, Israel פרחים, נחל חתירה, הנגב - panoramio.jpg 4,288 × 2,412; 5.63 MB
Footprint with Seeds Up-close (9b1a1da7-2528-438e-b3c2-efd7d9edc7a7).jpg 1,706 × 1,090; 1.43 MB
Footprints at the Trench (5f00efce-524f-4981-9286-8d2a83af5fa8).JPG 4,592 × 3,448; 5.59 MB
Footprints in the Trench (102bfaa8-3486-4923-8999-dc7f9b565a00).JPG 4,032 × 3,024; 3.87 MB
Fornio5.JPG 500 × 343; 31 KB
Fosil Kerang.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 5.48 MB
Fosilni Mlz Cardiola consanguis Barrande 1881.gif 953 × 775; 384 KB
Fossiil.jpg 1,300 × 945; 63 KB
Fossil (2051472788).jpg 1,833 × 1,217; 1.61 MB
Fossil (Alabama).jpg 2,400 × 1,945; 259 KB
Fossil (back, side, and front views) (New York, N.Y.).jpg 2,400 × 1,520; 174 KB
Fossil (eight views) (3 April 1847).jpg 2,400 × 1,781; 326 KB
Fossil (or something) in gravel (11790725563).jpg 1,200 × 800; 597 KB
Fossil - Desert Museum (Saltillo, Mexico).jpg 2,484 × 1,654; 4.01 MB
Fossil - Desert Museum Laboratory (Saltillo, Mexico).jpg 2,484 × 1,654; 3.66 MB
Fossil 085453.jpg 5,152 × 3,888; 6.93 MB
Fossil Display, Guyot Hall, Princeton University.jpg 2,448 × 3,264; 1.84 MB
Fossil Diversity.png 6,333 × 4,623; 50.72 MB
Fossil Dunes, Abu Dhabi.jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 1.58 MB
Fossil Dunes.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 1.04 MB
Fossil exhibition.jpg 768 × 1,024; 111 KB
Fossil fish - Museo del Desierto (Saltillo, Mexico) - III.jpg 2,387 × 1,436; 3.52 MB
Fossil fish - Museo del Desierto (Saltillo, Mexico) - IV.jpg 2,464 × 1,643; 3.29 MB
Fossil fish - Museo del Desierto (Saltillo, Mexico) - V.jpg 2,149 × 1,720; 3.77 MB
Fossil Foraminifera Groups.jpg 2,736 × 1,824; 1.26 MB
Fossil fuel - coal found in Tamilnadu India.jpg 4,608 × 3,072; 4.27 MB
Fossil in Museo del Desierto (Desert Museum) - Saltillo, Mexico.jpg 2,466 × 1,642; 3.49 MB
Fossil in sea coast Mar del Sur 2017 082.jpg 1,936 × 1,296; 641 KB
Fossil MH-MCZArtwork bfAg 168.60.7a.jpg 2,400 × 1,550; 155 KB
Fossil MH-MCZArtwork bfAg 168.60.7p.jpg 2,400 × 1,564; 163 KB
Fossil NSW State Library.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 2.67 MB
Fossil oak kz01.jpg 4,300 × 3,072; 3.75 MB
Fossil on a wall(rudist)-97968orok (34003299714).jpg 3,648 × 5,472; 14.97 MB
Fossil on Whitehorse rapids shoreline with paper 01.JPG 4,320 × 3,240; 5.64 MB
Fossil on Whitehorse rapids shoreline with paper 02.JPG 4,320 × 3,240; 5.82 MB
Fossil Rock In Red Rock Canyon (203237441).jpeg 2,048 × 1,365; 1.04 MB
Fossil specimen 1.jpg 3,096 × 4,128; 4.38 MB
Fossil wood stem from the sandstone @ Pather sahib Bank hill.jpg 1,800 × 4,000; 2.5 MB
Fossil, Hatira Gulch, Negev, Israel מאובן, נחל חתירה, הנגב - panoramio (1).jpg 4,288 × 3,216; 7.24 MB
Fossil.png 314 × 821; 336 KB
Fossil?.jpg 5,152 × 3,888; 6.54 MB
FossilDriftwood.jpg 3,249 × 2,865; 2.31 MB
Fossile racine ou TraceFoudre Helfaut.jpg 1,980 × 1,164; 436 KB
Fossiles marins - Village Fartouna - Cap Bon (5405547989).jpg 1,890 × 1,417; 2.25 MB
Fossiles marins - Village Fartouna - Cap Bon (5405555975).jpg 1,890 × 1,417; 2.33 MB
Fossiles marins - Village Fartouna - Cap Bon (5406229292).jpg 1,890 × 1,417; 2.76 MB
Fossil ice crystals - an instance of the practical value of "pure science" (IA fossilicecrystal00udderich).pdf 710 × 1,106, 64 pages; 2.04 MB
Fossilien Heft 5-2012.jpg 591 × 879; 437 KB
Fossilised Plants.jpg 2,700 × 3,444; 787 KB
Fossilised wood with en echelon veins.jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 2.78 MB
Fossilium catalogus (IA fossiliumcatalogunse 7).pdf 1,318 × 1,958, 240 pages; 16.13 MB
Fossilized worm tunnels (32519476265).jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 7.7 MB
Fossills.jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 2.86 MB
Fossils (29 April 1847).jpg 2,400 × 1,918; 248 KB
Fossils (4716177338).jpg 3,872 × 2,592; 2.52 MB
Fossils .jpg 4,160 × 3,120; 1.01 MB
Fossils 4.jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 2.55 MB
Fossils and a feather (4535248986).jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 3.79 MB
Fossils in Limestone.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 1.14 MB
Fossils milky way.jpg 4,000 × 6,000; 35.46 MB
Fossils of Ireland.jpg 1,280 × 1,040; 446 KB
Fossils on Plate 5 of Lythophylacii Britannici Ichnographia.jpg 606 × 909; 155 KB
Fossils with Holes.jpg 17,121 × 11,561; 11.37 MB
Fossils with Shells.jpg 17,689 × 11,172; 8.05 MB
Fossils with Valves.jpg 18,192 × 12,116; 6.71 MB
Fossils.png 1,480 × 1,104; 431 KB
Fossils22.jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 5.61 MB
Fragmento de un coral de arrecife fosilizado del Cretácico.jpg 3,072 × 2,304; 2.74 MB
Friendship Highway-326-Shelkar to Gyatso La-Everestblick-Haendler-2014-gje.jpg 5,184 × 2,793; 3.15 MB
Friendship Highway-328-Shelkar to Gyatso La-Everestblick-Haendler-2014-gje.jpg 4,550 × 2,910; 2.46 MB
Friendship Highway-330-Shelkar to Gyatso La-Everestblick-Haendler-2014-gje.jpg 4,546 × 2,930; 2.7 MB
Friendship Highway-332-Shelkar to Gyatso La-Everestblick-Haendler-2014-gje.jpg 5,184 × 2,983; 4.3 MB